Finding and Connecting with your Spirit Guides

Finding and Connecting with your Spirit Guides

Weds November 13th 6-7:30 pm Az time

In addition to having Angels and Arc Angels in our life, we also have spirit guides that guides in this life here on earth! A spirit guide is a being that exists in the spiritual realm and offers guidance and support to living people. Spirit guides can take many forms such as a human usually from a past life, a mythical or even magical energy or an animal which is commonly known as an Animal Totem! They have different roles, but their primary purpose is to help people navigate life’s challenges and opportunities.

Some signs that you might be receiving guidance from a spirit guide include: Feeling a sense of inner peace and calm, Seeing repeat signs or symbols, Getting sudden insights or inspiration, Feeling guided to take specific actions, and Experiencing physical sensations.



Finding and Connecting with your Spirit Guides

Weds November 13th 6-7:30 pm Az time

In addition to having Angels and Arc Angels in our life, we also have spirit guides that guides in this life here on earth! A spirit guide is a being that exists in the spiritual realm and offers guidance and support to living people. Spirit guides can take many forms such as a human usually from a past life, a mythical or even magical energy or an animal which is commonly known as an Animal Totem! They have different roles, but their primary purpose is to help people navigate life’s challenges and opportunities.

Some signs that you might be receiving guidance from a spirit guide include: Feeling a sense of inner peace and calm, Seeing repeat signs or symbols, Getting sudden insights or inspiration, Feeling guided to take specific actions, and Experiencing physical sensations.


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