How to interpret auras around yourself, others, animals and even plants!

How to interpret auras around yourself, others, animals and even plants!

Tues Aug 20th 6 pm Az time via zoom



The Meaning of Auras and how to read some one’s Aura to Protect on All levels

Have you ever just looked at someone and thought, I’d really like to get to know that person? Or have you looked at some one and want to run? This is because of their energy or aura they are protruding at the time. Auras are thought of as the unseen field of energy surrounding a person’s physical body. They’re affected by our mood and emotional state (and sometimes the states of others), and different colors are associated with different qualities and emotions.

Someone’s aura is usually a combination of colors, with one being more dominant than the others. And while your aura can constantly shift and change, many people will have one color that consistently shows up. 

 In this 2-part class, we will discover what auras are, what each color means and how to read and protect yourself from negative energy!

How to interpret auras around yourself, others, animals and even plants!

Tues Aug 20th 6 pm Az time via zoom


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