Working with Angels and Colors (Auras) to Strengthen Your own Intuition

Working with Angels and Colors (Auras) to Strengthen Your own Intuition

Weds February 12th 6 p.m. -7:30 pm Az time

 Did you know that colors can assist you on strengthening your intuition as well? Color is fascinating on so many levels.



Working with Angels and Colors (Auras) to Strengthen Your own Intuition

Weds February 12th 6 p.m. -7:30 pm Az time

 Did you know that colors can assist you on strengthening your intuition as well? Color is fascinating on so many levels. What’s imperative is how YOU interpret color and how YOU use it to connect with your Angels to assist you with your own intuition. Being informed just helps us to see better- but overthinking gets in the way of our intuition, so this requires paying attention to how you consume information and when to let that information go.


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