Angels Angels Everywhere is a children’s book designed for you as a care taker of a child to be able to sit down with your child and allow them to draw or write the things that you cannot see or hear in a non-threatening or judgmental way!
Does a child you know see, hear or sense things that you cannot? Have you ever watched a baby laughing and giggling for no apparent reason? Are you concerned their imagination is running away with them; that their friends and yours might start thinking of them as odd? Relax. They just might be talking with Angels. Angels really are everywhere and children are naturally receptive to their presence regardless of your beliefs. However if they don’t know that Angels exist, the experience may be scary. Angels, Angels, Everywhere is a story and activity book that explains Angels and their interactions with us in simple terms that your child can understand. It allows you as the caregiver to discuss with your child, ages 2 to 8 years, how Angels are here to help them and love them. This book is a catalyst, through various activities, for you to interact with your child to gain a better understanding of what he/she is seeing, hearing and feeling. (With your encouragement, the more they understand their experiences, the less fear they will have.) After all, would anyone else make a better playmate for your child than their own special Angel?