Chakra (Energy centers) Understanding/ Grounding and Protection Class
Weds July 12th 10:30-11:30 am
Ever Feel; Out of balance, wake up in a bad mood, Have trouble expressing yourself, Don’t feel well either emotionally or physically, Don’t feel Loved or need more love? Ever feel like there is something in your home or others that doesn’t feel right? Go to a party, a friend’s house, in public, for a drive, and you have a strange feeling that something bad is going to happen? You ever meet someone, and for no apparent reason you don’t like that person. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up?
Join Angel Messenger/Medium/Teacher/Spiritual Advisor, Marilyn Poscic, help you understand the energy centers in your body know as Chakras, the Arc Angel, locations, colors, disease associated to each chakra. How to balance them to keep you centered, focused, grounded, and healthy, everyday of your life! In addition, you will learn how to protect, not only yourself, but your loved ones, pets, home, car, work, school, whatever you want to protect, to feel safe and secure everyday!
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