Spiritual Meaning of December 2024

December is the 12th month. Adding 1+2=3 in numerology gives this month a time for joy which makes sense with all of the holidays celebrated in the month of December, right? 3 in numerology is not only a time of joy, but believing in yourself, entertaining, have parties, laughing, singing and dancing! December is the perfect […]

Benefits of a Gallery Reading and What it means for You!

Gallery readings are more commonly called group readings. This is the chance where a psychic medium works with a whole group of souls that come together to receive intuitive messages, healing, and transformation. A psychic gallery reading elevates the consciousness of all souls involved. Once one individual soul is aligned to the energy coming through […]

Oohhh Happy October!!!

October is a FUN MONTH. Seasons change, holidays are fast approaching, and it is a 1 month! 1 in numerology is all about new beginnings! Combine this with the energy of the 8th year, which is all about achievement, and know there isn’t anything to hold you back this month except YOU! Pay close attention […]

Who are Libras? Who to avoid, Who to Embrace!

People born between September 23 and October 22 are Libras. Interesting fact, Libra is represented by scales, which is the only non-living symbol in the zodiac. The symbol of the scales of justice are known for their strong moral compass and natural ability to see both sides of every argument. On the flip side, though, […]

What does the Year 2024 mean for Virgos?

Virgo (August 23 – September 22) is an earth sign historically represented by the goddess of wheat and agriculture, an association that speaks to Virgo’s deep-rooted presence in the material world. Virgos are logical, practical, and systematic in their approach to life. Virgos are logical, practical, and systematic in their approach to life. This earth sign is […]

How do YOU embrace change?

Everything comes to change! Nothing comes to stay! It’s how you embrace change that will determine your outcome! The secret of change is to focus all your energy not fighting the old, but on building the new! In my almost 30 years of being a spiritual advisor the one common denominator I have heard is […]

Spiritual Protection for YOU your home family friends and pets!

In this time of much uncertainty, negativity, violence, self-doubt, and mercury retrograde fast approaching, I felt it would be good for you to learn and practice EVERY DAY, spiritual protection! Perhaps people in your own home, work place, neighbors, friends, etc. are at odds with one another. These are some helpful tips to help you […]

What the Month of July Means Spiritually

July is a month rich in spiritual symbolism and significance. As the heart of summer, July represents a time of growth, abundance, and inner illumination. The color red, which is dominant in July, symbolizes strength, courage, and the ability to take action. This is a time to tap into our assertiveness and boldly pursue our […]

New Year New You, the year of 8 in Numerology

We have entered the year of 8 in numerology. Numerology, or the science of numbers, is all about numbers, and their vibrational bent aids the numerologists to predict the future of the person. Numerologists presume that numbers hold the strength to influence the person’s traits as well as the events that occur in their lives. In […]

What Do You Believe?

Today is March 31 2022 Two years ago the world was in lock down mode due to the covid-19 virus. Businesses, schools, places of worship, public transportation, medical procedures cancelled and anything to deal with the public were are forced to close.  We were forced to stay inside, wear masks and not allowed to have […]