The Lion’s Gate Portal is an annual cosmic alignment occurring during Leo season, where Earth, Sirius, and Orion align within the Leo constellation. This alignment creates a potent energy gateway associated with manifestation, spiritual healing, and transformation. Why is this significant? Well, Sirius (the Alpha star of the Canis Major constellation) is the brightest star in the sky and is astrologically considered to be a spiritual sun. It was an extremely important body to the Ancient Egyptians who referred to it as the goddess Sopdet. They used the annual rising of this star to note when the Nile would begin its annual flood, feeding the landing and bringing harvest and fertility.
The Lion’s Gate Portal is open from July 28 to August 12, August 8th is believed the most powerful day. This is because the number eight has numerological significance. In numerology—the belief system that gives digits meanings—eight is a powerhouse number, representing luck, wealth, and good energy. When turned on its side, eight represents infinity—which symbolizes an infinite flow of power and energy. With its two eights (8/8), the date is widely believed to be a powerful one for manifesting and creating change in your life. In addition, the year 2024 adds up to 8 as well. This can be a tremendous day to manifest all that you desire. However, when there is a combination of 8’s, it can create much chaos. Please keep in mind, mercury is in retrograde during this time frame as well which can create double or in this case, triple trouble!
What To Do During The Lion’s Gate Portal?
If you want to embrace the powerful manifesting opportunities that the Lion’s Gate Portal brings then the best way to do that is by getting clear on your dreams, desires and goals.
You can begin by sitting down with your journal and doing some self-reflection—what are you grateful for? What do you want to change? what parts of your life do not feel like your authentic self? Once you have a clear idea of your future dreams and goals, it is important to start visualizing what that looks like. You might find it helpful to write this down in a journal, create a vision board or through a meditation. It’s also a good time to engage in a gratitude practice—the energy you send out into the universe is the energy you will receive.
Of course, after August 8, it’s also important to then take concrete actions towards your goals—and let the universe help you get there.
Excited to see what you will create!