Spiritual Protection for YOU your home family friends and pets!

In this time of much uncertainty, negativity, violence, self-doubt, and mercury retrograde fast approaching, I felt it would be good for you to learn and practice EVERY DAY, spiritual protection! Perhaps people in your own home, work place, neighbors, friends, etc. are at odds with one another. These are some helpful tips to help you remove that negative energy and remember to ALWAYS begin with yourself first!

Let’s begin with Angels and with all of the spiritual beings of the white light you work with. I personally love working with Arc Angel Michael whom I consider to be your strongest most powerful Angel when it comes to protection. If you chose to use God, Jesus, etc. that is fine as well as long as you know within your heart They are of the white light and have your best interest at heart.

Arc Angel Michael is a strong spiritual warrior in good versus evil and known as the protector of people. He radiates to color of white for protection. Please keep in mind when there is light no darkness can penetrate. Much like you lock your home or vehicle you must lock yourself everyday with Michael’s white light of protection. Simply ask Michael to surround you with His white light of protection every day! I personally do this as soon as I wake up, during my morning walks, before every reading and before I go to sleep at night. Imagine you have a white bubble or balloon always surrounding you! Whatever you chose to imagine it is important to make sure it is white and round. Negative energy can get tapped in corners such as a square!

Next let’s talk about saging your home especially if you are feeling a lot of negative energy! There are many kinds of sage sticks you can purchase. White sage smudge sticks are often used to cleanse negative energy from homes, offices, and other spaces. White sage is known for its strong cleansing energy and can help restore balance. Some say the smoke from white sage can cleanse you and your home of negative and stagnant energy, similar to an energetic shower. White sage smudging can also be used to bless people, places, or events, such as when moving into a new home. Begin at your front door and go clockwise in your home in every room and closet. Set your intentions ahead of time and while saging ask your Angels to help you in all ways for cleansing the negative energy. Make sure you have some kind of non-flammable container under your sage stick to catch the ashes. Once finished, thrown the ashes in a trash container outside of your home. For more details on this, please visit my website, www.marilynposcic.com for a detailed video. If the energy in your home has been really negative, fill 4 small bowls with pink Himalayan sea salt and place them in the 4 farthest corner of your home for about 1 week up to a month. Make sure to empty them in a trash container outside your home.

Next call upon 4 guardian Angels to be in each corner of each room in your home. Imagine they are draping a big where canopy over each room. Do this to the extreme outside of your home as well as your property. If you live in a complex, know where the boundaries are of the complex and do the same. You can do this for your vehicles as well. I make sure to drape my white canopy over my care every day and fill it with as many Angels as you like. My personal favorite number is 100,000! Boy do They like road trips!

One of the most common questions I get asked is can I send Michael and His white light to protect the ones I love even if they do not believe? The answer is YES! We all have free will. You have free will to send but please keep in mind they have free will to reject!

There are many crystals and essential oils you can use as well but I will reserve that for future blogs and videos!

Much love and peace my friends!



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