Who are Libras? Who to avoid, Who to Embrace!

People born between September 23 and October 22 are Libras. Interesting fact, Libra is represented by scales, which is the only non-living symbol in the zodiac. The symbol of the scales of justice are known for their strong moral compass and natural ability to see both sides of every argument. On the flip side, though, Libras can also be prone to indecisiveness and people-pleasing tendencies. At the end of the day, Libras are charming peacemakers who love and love giving love to everyone in their lives.

Libra at work is known to be both fair-minded and peaceful, it follows that Libra is a collaborator at work, able to hear people out and make people feel heard. The air sign will rarely step on anyone’s toes or start conflicts. If they do, it’s only to get projects moving. You can count on them to be reliable with the workload and creative process. That said, they may space out during group meetings due to their airy nature, so you may want to plan for little recaps to make sure everyone’s on the same page.

Libra in love; Being that their planetary ruler is Venus, the planet of love, Libras’ romantic nature shouldn’t come as a surprise. And they really are the romantics of the zodiac: Libras are happiest when they’re in a pairing. Think back to their symbol of the scales: Libras feel they need another to balance them out. Libras are born wooers, knowing how to pamper someone the way they would want to be pampered. In addition to indulging in life’s finer things, Libras will show they care through the small actions that end up meaning so much. During fights, Libras tend to see things diplomatically and are able to view both parties’ perspectives.

Since Libras are such a highly relationship-oriented sign, sometimes, Libras will overstay a relationship past its expiration date. In those cases, Libras should consult some of their more direct friends for their advice.

Best signs for Libras to hook up with are; Libra and Gemini;  Here is a relationship-oriented duo. Both social butterflies, their favorite activity will be to come home and talk about everything that transpired. They’ll be happiest with a busy schedule full of events they can attend together.

Libra and Leo; Libra and fiery Leo harmonize well. As long as Libra is willing to take a backseat to Leo’s shenanigans and fully participate in their escapades, then this pair is golden. Leo will have to learn to release and have a few quiet nights a week.  

Libra and Pisces; These besties enjoy glamour and the finer things in life, making them a fantastic pairing. The two signs are fascinated by the other. They also have the capacity to get deep and share intimate secrets with each other.

Signs to void; Libra and Scorpio This can be an intense partnership. The connection might be strong at first, but after those butterflies depart, they’ll be left with two very different communication styles. Libra generally avoids confrontation; Scorpio is direct. Put it together, and you get friction.

Libra and Sagittarius Libra finds a match in Sagittarius, but there are challenges. At first, the two understand each other’s quirks and lust for life. Issues start to arrive when both get a little competitive, creating a snarky friendly rivalry because Sagittarius longs to be free and Libra is commitment-oriented.

Libra and Cancer Once Cancer gets its pincers on Libra’s scales, it’ll be hard for them to let go. Both Cancer and Libra like to see relationships through, which means they’re prone to stay together even if they’re incompatible and struggle with passive-aggressive communication.



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