Spiritual Meaning of December 2024
December is the 12th month. Adding 1+2=3 in numerology gives this month a time for joy which makes sense with all of the holidays celebrated in the month of December, right? 3 in numerology is not only a time of joy, but believing in yourself, entertaining, have parties, laughing, singing and dancing! December is the perfect […]
Meaning of the number 11 in Numerology
In numerology, the number 11 is not just any number; it’s considered a master number. This means that it carries a heightened level of spiritual significance and a unique vibration. It’s like a cosmic door that opens to spiritual awareness and inner wisdom. Unlike most numbers, which are usually reduced to a single digit, 11 […]
Spiritual meaning of November 2024 and the new Moon on November 1st!
Guarded by the animal spirit of the dolphin, November is a month that is packed with spiritual meaning and energies. All about action, continuity and spirituality, this month concentrate on Spiritual Awakening, Law and Revelation. Enlightenment, Divine Influence and True Love. November is a month that is packed with spiritual meaning and energies. All about action, continuity […]
Oohhh Happy October!!!
October is a FUN MONTH. Seasons change, holidays are fast approaching, and it is a 1 month! 1 in numerology is all about new beginnings! Combine this with the energy of the 8th year, which is all about achievement, and know there isn’t anything to hold you back this month except YOU! Pay close attention […]
Who are Libras? Who to avoid, Who to Embrace!
People born between September 23 and October 22 are Libras. Interesting fact, Libra is represented by scales, which is the only non-living symbol in the zodiac. The symbol of the scales of justice are known for their strong moral compass and natural ability to see both sides of every argument. On the flip side, though, […]
What does the energy of the Full Moon bring in September 2024
The full moon in September is known as the harvest moon and is on Tuesday September 17th! The Harvest Moon signifies abundance and gratitude, marking the end of the growing season and the successful harvest. Not only is it a supermoon, but there will also be a lunar eclipse. This full moon brings a journey into […]
Best Angels and Crystals to use for Full Moon in September 2024
The full moon in September is known as the harvest moon and is on Tuesday September 17th! The Harvest Moon signifies abundance and gratitude, marking the end of the growing season and the successful harvest. This full moon brings a journey into spiritual awakening and emotional transformation. Combine this energy with the month of 9 which […]
What does the energy of September 2024 Have in Store for Us?
We know it’s September and Virgo season, when the summer heat starts feeling bearable and students have gotten back into the rhythm of zipping up their bags for school and people getting back from their summer vacations! Virgos are detail-oriented and effective planners, and we can all borrow from their energy this month while we […]
What does the Year 2024 mean for Virgos?
Virgo (August 23 – September 22) is an earth sign historically represented by the goddess of wheat and agriculture, an association that speaks to Virgo’s deep-rooted presence in the material world. Virgos are logical, practical, and systematic in their approach to life. Virgos are logical, practical, and systematic in their approach to life. This earth sign is […]
How do YOU embrace change?
Everything comes to change! Nothing comes to stay! It’s how you embrace change that will determine your outcome! The secret of change is to focus all your energy not fighting the old, but on building the new! In my almost 30 years of being a spiritual advisor the one common denominator I have heard is […]