Making the most of the Full Moon in July 2024

The full moon in July is known as the buck moon named for when male dear known as bucks, grow new antlers. The rapid growth of these antlers in July is a key event in the life cycle of deer, making it a significant time for indigenous tribes who relied on the animals for food […]

What the Month of July Means Spiritually

July is a month rich in spiritual symbolism and significance. As the heart of summer, July represents a time of growth, abundance, and inner illumination. The color red, which is dominant in July, symbolizes strength, courage, and the ability to take action. This is a time to tap into our assertiveness and boldly pursue our […]

Spiritual Meaning of the Summer Solstice

The summer solstice is on June 20th 2024. It is a time of new beginnings; with the changing of the seasons, we say goodbye to a long, stagnant period of self-reflection and welcome the fiery energy of the sun to propel us forward. The Summer Solstice Symbolizes Prosperity, Extravagance, & Good Spirits In earlier times, the summer […]

2023 Angel Guidance

This coming new year will bring about many changes mostly positive if you allow it. In numerology, the year 2023 adds up to a 7. Seven means all about having faith. First faith in a higher power such as God, Spirit, Source, Universe or whatever name you so choose to call the higher power of […]

Coping with Grief and Loss During the Holidays

I wish I could just wave my magic wand to help you with your grief all the time but especially during the holidays. Unfortunately, this is not possible. Even if I did have a magic wand, it would not help everybody as no two loves are exactly alike which is what makes grief so difficult. […]

What Do You Believe?

Today is March 31 2022 Two years ago the world was in lock down mode due to the covid-19 virus. Businesses, schools, places of worship, public transportation, medical procedures cancelled and anything to deal with the public were are forced to close.  We were forced to stay inside, wear masks and not allowed to have […]