Even if you have not ever lived with a tragedy in your life, one thing hopefully covid taught everyone world wide was to be prepared for the unexpected! I have a 92-year-old adopted mother and she has not ever lived through anything like how covid affected everyone. Perhaps you as well as your love ones escaped a tragedy with covid. However, I truly believe if you or your love ones were not affected you knew someone who was!

I worked hand in hand with emergency rooms for many years as an x-ray technician and how I have seen first hand how a person as well as family’s lives can be turned upside down in a matter of minutes. Not only that but I have endured my own tragedies with my family members losing my only sibling my brother to aides in 1995, my father developing Alzheimer’s in the early 2000’s and watching how this very strong man who served in the army in WWII become a child, and lastly my mother in 2209 suffered a stroke in a casino of all places and lived in misery for 5 months while I fought for her rights every day during that time! Are YOU prepared?

By being prepared yes, I am talking about a will or trust however there is soooo very much more to a tragedy than having a will or trust already in place although I will say if you do NOT have one, get it completed NOW! Don’t wait till something happens to you and forcing your love ones to make discissions on your behalf while they are dealing with your tragedy or death.

Once a tragedy happens whether in are involved in an accident, a natural disaster or a life-threatening disease, you can become so overwhelmed or may not have the capacity to talk, think or process to tell your love ones your desires. I have seen this happen many times and most recently with a dear friend of my who thought she was invincible and since there is longevity in her family it never occurred to her that something tragic would happen to her. Guess what? It did! I recently took her to the emergency room as over the year she had gotten progressively ill and refused to see a western doctor. After 7 months it was too late! She was diagnosed with multiple blood clots, right lung filled with fluid and left lung beginning to fill and as the ER explained, riddled with cancer. Within a week she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and within a month only has a few days to live! Luckily, I had convinced her a few years ago to see an attorney as she has many assets and she did listen to my advice on that thankfully. Now she is leaving behind many, many possessions a house, vehicle and many assets that no one has privilege to and leaving behind her 92-year-old mother who does not have or use a computer to figure things out. No one until I recently asked her knew where her will even was! Are you prepared?

We all love to have pretty things. However, if you have not seen it, wore it or it no longer brings you joy, lose it preferably by donating to others who will find a value in it. Allow your trusted love ones to know your personal things such as user names, password, bank accounts, stock, bonds etc. where your will and title to your vehicle is located and for heaven’s sake your desires in the event a tragedy does occur. No one likes to talk about death however death is the only thing we are guaranteed of in life. So why not be prepared ahead of time to save your love one’s burden and guilt?

In my first book Last Soul Standing, I wrote that with the intentions of helping you prepare BEFORE a tragedy happens. I highly advise reading that book or others as well as seeking advice from an attorney that can help you be prepared before you are over burden with tragedy!



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